The competition to become a firefighter is fierce. Most departments in the United States will test hundreds or thousands of applicants in hopes of filling only a few positions. How do you compete against those odds? How do you make yourself stand out against other qualified candidates? got its start answering these very questions. While our products have expanded to include fire captain and fire lieutenant interview questions, and fire engineer interview questions; our core purpose remains helping people get into the fire service.
Over the years we have developed a firefighter entrance exam study guide that is quite comprehensive. Our book walks you through the entire hiring process. We begin by showing you how to find firefighter jobs around the country. Our book covers the entire application process, which can be quite extensive for many departments. We then move on to explain what the written test will be like, and how to study. The written test is difficult, and there are many variations. Our guide explains the most commonly tested subjects, such as: reading comprehension, verbal reasoning, mechanical aptitude, mathematics, and map reading skills. We explain these subjects, provide example questions, and give strategies for answering the questions.
Our firefighter entrance exam study guide also provides you with effective study habits to ensure you do your best. Our guide covers the medical and psychological exams, along with the oral interview. We provide the forty most common firefighter entrance interview questions that are asked. You will be fully prepared when you walk into your interview.
Our firefighter entrance exam guide is very comprehensive and effective. We have received a great deal of positive feedback on it. If you’re looking for a way to study for the firefighter entrance exam this guide is for you.