Getting Hired
So you’ve searched our job listings and found an opening, now what do you do? First you’ll want to check out our comprehensive firefighter entrance exam preparation guide. It not only walks you through the entire hiring process, but it prepares you for the written exam. It includes insider advice for the physical ability test, and medical exam. The guide will give you a 150 questions firefighter entrance exam, and 40 interview questions. It is a comprehensive preparation guide for anyone who is seriously looking for a job as a firefighter.
Most departments use a “civil service” hiring system. This requires you to fill out an application and then take a test. Most departments require an EMT-Basic certificate and a valid driver’s license. Some departments require EMI-Intermediate or Paramedic certificates. Very few places are requiring a commercial driver’s license anymore.
Once you’ve applied you’ll need to prepare for the entrance exam. Entrance exams vary from a basic multiple choice test, to a complex computer based dynamic testing system. Most tests will evaluate your reading comprehension, basic math skills, writing skills, mechanical abilities, and memory. There are several good study guide systems for the entrance exam for as cheap as $12 and up to $25. Some even offer a money back guarantee if you don’t score 80% or better.
Study guides are good, but one of the best strategies is to simply go take some tests. These tests can be stressful and unique. You should plan on taking 3-4 tests at different departments just for practice and to learn what types of questions to expect. This gives you valuable test taking experience, and prepares you to think under pressure. Don’t be surprised to see a few hundred people in the room taking the same test you are. Competition for jobs with a fire department is fierce. Be sure to look at our entrance exam test question page.