I get asked all the time what the firefighter entrance exam is like. My response is usually “its not difficult, but its hard”. The reality is that being a firefighter does not require an IQ of 140. In fact I would argue that some of the best firefighters I know would be considered “average” in many ways. This is in no way a negative comment or a slight at the career. Today’s society tells our children they are special, and hands them trophies to reinforce this. Some of these trophy carriers are dumb, most are average, and a few are exceptional. But I digress . . .
The firefighter written entrance exam is so hard because of the atmosphere. Its highly competitive and can be nerve racking. Its not easy to take a test knowing it could potentially influence the next 30 some years of your life. In addition to your own personal issues with test nervousness or anxiety, you also have to take the test in a room surrounded by other candidates. Now you get to see just how much interest there is in this position.
Entrance exam questions can be on a variety of topics, but here are the most commonly tested areas:
- Ability to read tables, text, charts, graphs, and even maps
- Map orientation and direction
- floor plan reading and comprehension
- Reading comprehension
- Verbal reasoning and judgment
- Mechanical Aptitude and skill
- Memory Recall
- Basic math skills
The test is usually multiple choice. We have created a comprehensive firefighter entrance exam study guide. It covers everything from the application process, how to study, the written exam, the physical exam, the medical and psychological exams, and most importantly the oral interview. You can find our book by using the link on the right.