For 2013 we have updated our Firefighter Entrance Exam Guide. In addition to our Fire Officer Interview Ebook, and Fire Engineer / Driver Operator Interview Ebook, we are proud to offer our updated Firefighter Entrance Exam Ebook. This ebook is an amazing study tool that will give you the information you need in order pass the entrance exam with flying colors.
Our Firefighter Entrance Exam ebook starts by walking you through the application process and preparing you for the written test. We explain in detail each section of the written exam, including:
- Reading comprehension
- Verbal reasoning and judgment
- Mechanical Aptitude
- Memory Recall
- Math
- Reading tables, charts, maps, text and graphs
- Map orientation
- floor plans
Our Ebook provides effective study habits, time management strategies, answer strategies for questions you’re unsure of, test day tips, and how to combat test anxiety. Our ebook also provides a sample written exam for you to practice with.
After we cover the written exam we move onto the physical agility test. We walk you through each section of the most common physical agility tests including the CPAT. We provide strategies and techniques to help you pass with flying colors.
We also provide sample oral interview questions for you to study and practice answering. The oral interview is one of the hardest parts of the evaluation process. Many candidates struggle with this area and our guide is a great preparation tool. After the interview section we move on to cover the medical and psychological exams. We explain the best strategies for passing these exams, and how to handle any issues that may arise.