Here is a new fire officer promotional interview question and answer that was sent to us by a customer who purchased our book and successfully went through an interview. The question is common in both fire captain and fire lieutenant interviews and has been added to our Fire Officer Interview Book. There are several ways to correctly answer it depending on each department’s procedures, however stressing your commitment to ongoing training and education will always help your cause.
How do you plan on improving the level of training and education in our department?
Training and education are vital to continual improvement. I have constantly worked to improve my level of training and education. I hold a bachelor’s degree in chemistry with an associate’s degree in fire science. I recently began taking classes for a master’s degree in public administration. As you can see from my training summary, I have pursued every available training opportunity since I was hired. I have traveled to other departments to listen to guest speakers and taken national fire academy weekend courses on leadership and decision making skills. My goal is to be the best Lieutenant on this job, and to accomplish that I will continue doing what I have been doing, seeking out every available training opportunity there is. I have brought some of these new ideas back to our department. Recently I gave a class that was based on a propane emergencies class that I attended. There were a few things that I learned that I passed onto our firefighters. I will continue to bring outside perspectives and ideas into our department this way.