Firefighter Entrance Exam
We have released our firefighter entrance exam preparation guide. You can find it under the menu titled “Our E-Books”. The book starts at the beginning of the firefighter hiring process and walks you through each step. It details what to expect at each step, and how to prepare. We provide a comprehensive subject analysis so that you are fully prepared for the written exam. The book also includes a 150 question firefighter entrance exam with answers. You will be well prepared for the oral interview with our list of 40 interview questions, including those difficult situational interview questions.
Here is a quick look at what our guide covers.
The Application Process
Our guide will walk you through each step of the application process. We explain how to make your resume stand out, and how to find firefighting jobs around the country. You are walked through each step of the process.
Highly Effective Study Habits
The firefighter entrance test is extremely competitive. How you study will make a difference. Our guide shows you how to study each subject that will be on the test. We walk you through creating a study plan, overcoming test anxiety, and even strategies for the day of the test.
The Firefighter Written Exam
First we walk you through what the exam is like, covering each of the topics that are most commonly tested in the United States. We provide time management stategies, and test taking tips such as “when to guess and when not to guess”. This chapter prepares you for the sample firefighter entrance exam that comes later in the book.
The Physical Ability Test
Firefighting is a physically demanding career, and departments will administer a test to be sure you’re capable of performing the duties of a firefighter. Our firefighter exam preparation book covers the most commonly tested events for a firefighter physical ability test. We cover tests that are common across the United States such as the CPAT. This guide will walk you through each event, provide strategies on how to pass each one, and give you training suggestions.
The Medical and Psychological Exams
Our firefighter entrance exam ebook explains what the medical and psychological exams consist of. The explain the best strategies for passing the tests.
The Oral Interview
The oral interview is one of the most difficult parts of the firefighter hiring process. Most candidates are eliminated at this step of the process. Our guide tells you what the interview is like and gives you tips for preparing. We explain the most common mistakes firefighter candidates make in interviews and how to avoid them. We also provide information how you should dress. Our guide provides 40 firefighter entrance interview questions, including very important situational questions.
Sample Firefighter Entrance Exam
Our guide provides you with a 150 question sample firefighter entrance exam that covers all of the most commonly tested subjects. The exam includes and answer key and will test your skills in:
- Reading tables, charts, maps, text and graphs
- Map orientation
- floor plans
- Reading comprehension
- Verbal reasoning and judgment
- Mechanical Aptitude
- Memory Recall
- Math