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Browsing Posts tagged firefighter entrance exam questions and answers

What is the best way to prepare for the firefighter entrance exam? This is one of the most common question we are asked, especially from candidates who have never taken a firefighter entrance exam before. We can break this answer down into a few basic principles. First, begin your preparation early. Firefighter positions are incredibly […]

We at MyFireJob wanted to wish you all a happy new year. In 2012 we added 12 new questions to our fire officer interview questions ebook, and 8 new questions to our fire engineer / driver operator interview questions ebook. We also released out firefighter entrance exam ebook in 2012. All in all it was […]

The competition to become a firefighter is fierce. Most departments in the United States will test hundreds or thousands of applicants in hopes of filling only a few positions. How do you compete against those odds? How do you make yourself stand out against other qualified candidates? got its start answering these very questions. […]

What the written exam is like It’s time for all of your studying and preparations to pay off.  The written test will usually be held in a conference room.  You will need to pay special attention to any correspondence that the fire department sends you.  It will tell you what to bring to the test.  […]

Firefighter Entrance Exam We have released our firefighter entrance exam preparation guide.  You can find it under the menu titled “Our E-Books”.   The book starts at the beginning of the firefighter hiring process and walks you through each step.  It details what to expect at each step, and how to prepare.  We provide a comprehensive […]