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Browsing Posts in fire lieutenant interview questions

We at MyFireJob wanted to wish you all a happy new year. In 2012 we added 12 new questions to our fire officer interview questions ebook, and 8 new questions to our fire engineer / driver operator interview questions ebook. We also released out firefighter entrance exam ebook in 2012. All in all it was […]

The fire officer oral interview questions are always a challenge. Not only are they challenging questions, but as a promotional candidate, your nerves and anxiety are at high levels. The stress of a fire officer oral board interview is hard to deal with, there is not a quick answer that will help you control it. […]

The Fire Lieutenant oral board questions are usually pretty similar to the Fire Captain oral board questions. Many of their duties and responsibilities overlap. This is a question that we have recently added to our Fire Officer Interview Questions. As a new fire lieutenant, what will you do to improve the level of training and […]

A customer recently sent us an email after his Fire Lieutenant oral interview. “Jason, Thanks for your help downloading the interview questions to my other computer. I finished my Fire Lieutenant oral interview yesterday and was asked a total of twelve questions. Ten of them were covered in your guide. I couldn’t be happier with […]

During a recent Captain oral interview I sat in on, I witnessed a relatively simple interview question get botched by two candidates. I thought I would share the question here, with a few ideas on how to answer it. You have been tasked with developing a training plan for a probationary firefighter who is having […]

In addition to our firefighter entrance exam preparation guide, and our Fire Officer Interview Guide, we have almost completed our work on a Fire Engineer / Driver Operator Interview Guide.  This guide will be designed similar to our Officer guide.  It was created using questions from actual engineer / driver operator interviews.  The guide should […]

Well 2012 is here and we had a recent customer just email us an interview question that was not in our Fire Officer Interview guide.  Here is his email: Jason, Thanks for the assistance working through those interview questions.  I interviewed today for Captain and wanted to follow up with you.  The Chief, 2 Bat.  […]

We at wanted to wish everyone a happy and safe Thanksgiving! Thanks for a wonderful year. We have added 2 new fire officer interview questions to our guide. Enjoy the holidays!

This fire officer interview question was sent to us by a recent customer.  He told us that his interview consisted of 11 questions, 9 of which were listed in our guide.  Here is the question he sent us: You are a new fire captain at a large station.  One of your female firefighters comes to […]

A new fire captain interview question was added to our fire officer interview guide today.  It was sent to us by Joshua in New York.  Anytime a customer purchases our guide and is asked an interview question that was not in the guide, we add it. You are called for a report of an odd […]