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Over the last few months we have been collecting feedback from our customers who purchased the Fire Engineer / Driver Operator Interview Ebook.  After they complete their interview we ask if our guide was helpful, and if they were asked any questions not covered in our ebook. If we feel the questions are good enough they could be asked in interviews for other departments, then we add them to our ebook. Most of our customers report that our guide covers roughly 90% of the questions asked in their interviews. We are pleased to have added 7 new questions related to apparatus positioning, personal accountability, common hose practices, department SOPs, and “fill-in” status for officer. Our updated fire engineer / driver operator ebook is now on sale. Just click the link or the picture.

fire engineer interview

Fall Book Updates

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We have updated our Fire Officer Interview Questions ebook with several new interview questions that were asked to our customers over the summer. The questions relate to progressive discipline, personnel problems, SOP questions, and even very basic attire questions. All of these are very common questions that are asked in interviews for Fire Captain and Fire Lieutenant. You can purchase our new and updated Fire Officer Interview ebook by clicking the image below. Be sure to keep an eye out for our updated Fire Engineer Interview ebook, which releases next week!

Fire Officer Interview Questions



Glenn recently purchased The Fire Officer Interview Guide as preparation for his Fire Lieutenant Oral interview.  He emailed us after his interview with some helpful information. Here is what Glenn wrote:

Jason, Thanks for your help with the new download link for my work computer. I went over your questions for two weeks every night. My interview panel consisted of the Fire Chief, two Assistant Chiefs, and two Battalion Chiefs. They asked me 11 questions. I wrote them all down when I got outside to my car. As I looked back, 9 of them were almost verbatim from your guide. One question was very specific for our department, however the last question was pretty general and something you may want to add to your guide. Here is it, and thanks for all your help.

If you are not promoted to Lieutenant/Captain, how will you continue to support your chief and command staff?  What actions will you take in the next 12 months and beyond?


Thanks for the new question Glenn, we have already added it to our Fire Officer Interview Guide. This is a hard question, not because of the substance, but because it opens the door for a candidate to trip themselves up, or say the wrong thing. I personally would answer the question like this:

“Getting promoted to the position of Fire Lieutenant has been a goal of mine for a long time. As you can see from my resume I have worked extremely hard over the last few years attending training seminars and going to lectures in order to prepare myself for this position. If I am not promoted I will be disappointed, however nothing will change. I will continue seeing out every training opportunity I can find, and working hard to achieve this goal. ”

We like this answer because it shows that you (1) really want the position, (2) have properly prepared yourself for the position, and most importantly (3) will continue to train and prepare for the position. Do not say anything negative about another candidate, or even hint that you will pout if not promoted.

Thanks again Glenn, and you can find this fire lieutenant interview question in our Fire Officer Interview guide.

Fire Officer Interview Questions

Here is a great fire lieutenant interview question sent to us by one of our customers. He told us his fire Lieutenant interview consisted of 11 interview questions. 9 of his questions were listed word for word in our fire officer interview ebook. Here is the question that we have now added to our ebook:

“Please outline the first meeting you will have with your crew as a newly promoted Fire Lieutenant.”

There are two main areas that must be covered in this answer. The first is to outline what your expectations are of your new crew, and the second is to explain what your crew should expect of you. You need out tell the panel you will sit down with your crew and explain your expectations on everything including fire inspections, training, emergency operations, dress code, and station maintenance.  Many new fire officers choose to actually type these expectations out and have their crew sign them.

The second part of your answer needs to address what your crew should expect of you. You want to explain how you will perform employee evaluations, how you will schedule training to keep your crew up to snuff, and how you plan to run day to day operations.

This is a great question that we have added to our Fire Officer Interview Ebook.

Fire Officer Interview Questions


Here at we offer three unique products. We have the Fire Officer Interview Ebook, the Fire Engineer / Driver Operator Ebook, and the Firefighter Entrance Exam Ebook.  Most of our attention seems to be focused on our Fire Officer Interview book, but this week we received an email asking, “What is the most important thing that I can do to get hired as a firefighter?” We decided to post some no nonsense real world advice for those seeking to enter the fire service.

It’s no secret that competition for these highly coveted fire service jobs is at an all time high.  So how can you set yourself apart from the crowd? First lets look at the actual hiring process. Most department will begin the process by having you fill out an application and then taking a written test. The written test is quite thorough and tests things such as basic math skills, reading comprehension, map reading, memory recall, verbal reasoning and judgement, and many other areas. A department will typically take the top 50-100 written scores and invite them to continue the process.

The next step is a physical ability test. These range from department to department, but most test usually consist of CPAT style movements and tests.  Dummy drags, stair climbs, with pushing and pulling movements for time. These tests typically have a high failure rate for those unprepared. The top25-50 are then usually invited to continue the process and move onto the medical and psychological exams. These tests are done to ensure candidates are physically and mentally capable of doing the job.

The final, and most vital step in the process is the interview. These are usually conducted by a panel that includes the Fire Chief, other high ranking fire officers, and possibly department heads from other parts of the city, such as a police chief.  The interview process is stressful and designed to give the panel a better idea of who you are.

So back to the original question, how can you set yourself apart from the other candidates? The first step is to prepare for the written test. Dedicate every free minute of your time to it. There are no shortcuts and the competition is fierce. Grab a good study guide that will walk you through each part of the written exam and help you prepare for them. We’re partial to our firefighter entrance exam ebook.

You’re best opportunity to set yourself apart from other candidates will come during the interview. This is where you’ll get a chance to showcase your resume and speak to your skills and abilities. Make sure the study guide you purchase covers the oral interview (ours does). You want to always highlight how trainable you are. Honestly regardless of where you came from, that is the number one thing most Chiefs want in recruits. Trainability. If you can convince the panel that you’re easy to train, always have a positive attitude, and wish to dedicate your life to helping others, you will have success.

Last week we received an email from a customer who had just completed his Fire Engineer / Driver Operator Oral Board Interview. He was asked one question that was not addressed in our Fire Engineer and Driver Operator Interview ebook. We liked the question so much that we added it to the ebook.


Thanks for your help with my payment, I’m not sure what I was doing wrong. I just finished my interview and wanted to give you an update. I was asked 11 questions and 9 of them were directly out of your book. One question was related to a recent event in our department so it wouldn’t really apply to anyone else, however the last question I was asked might make a good addition to your ebook. They asked me, “As an engineer, what steps will you take to provide exceptional customer service on calls?”  This question was a bit tricky because its hard to put into words the actions we take for granted each day. If you like the question feel free to use it in your guide. By the way, I smoked the interview.

Thanks again

Phillip’s question is a really good one. We all strive to provide a high level of customer service, that goes without saying. So the question is, how do you say what goes without saying? Putting it into words is tricky so here is an example that may help you get started.

My goal is to provide exceptional customer service regardless of my position within our department. As an engineer I will have some specific goals that will help me reach this goal. The first is to know my new territory like the back of my hand. This allows me to navigate accurately and eliminate mistakes driving to calls. The second is to familiarize myself with my new territory’s buildings, and commercial structures, including plug locations and fire alarm panel locations. This will allow a seamless transition for the days when my lieutenant is off and I fill into his position. I will continue to go out of my ways to help customers in both emergency and non emergency settings. One thing we always do after each call is ask if there is anything else we can do for the patient that day. Many times our older patients will ask for a cup of water, or if we can bring in the newspaper. Little things like this can go a long way with out patients and customers.

Thanks for the solid question Phillip. We have added it to our Fire Engineer / Driver Operator Interview Ebook.

fire engineer interview

A neighboring department recently conducted Fire Captain interviews for 7 candidates. I was asked to sit on the oral board and help evaluate the candidates. This is one of my favorite things to do because it always gives me such great insight into the preparation and stresses of an interview. One of the captain oral board questions that we asked to each candidate was a very good question. We liked it so much that we have now added it to our Fire Officer Interview Questions ebook. This question is a little “out there” but it gives the panel good insight into the thought process of a candidate.

Your Fire Chief sends out a memo that requires you to unload and wash every section of hose on the pumper once a week, and reload the truck with clean hose. He read in a magazine that this will lead to better service and performance. How will you deal with this situation?

Key Points: This is an obvious loaded question. No Chief in the world would accept this amount of out of service time from his units. The point of this question is to hear the thought process behind the candidates’ answers. Are they going to say “No, I will not follow that order” or will they say that they will find a solution that benefits everyone?

Example Answer: As a Captain it is my job to help the department reach its organization goal of protecting life and property. It is also my goal to provide honest and valuable feedback both up and down the chain of command. My first step is going to be following the new order. This new memo will require a great deal of out of service time working with the hose. I would also check with out hose manufacturers for recommended care and storage of our hose and see what they recommend. If I had an idea that would lower our out of service time, allowing us to serve the public better, and maintain high performance and reliability from the hose, I would put together a letter with my findings and recommendations and forward it up the chain of command. I must stress that my job is to follow orders, and I will follow this one, however it is also my job to ensure my crew is always at a high level of operational readiness. Our job is to be in service and available to help the citizens as much as possible. Our command staff values feedback  from the line officers and would work with me to improve our service to the community.

Fire Officer Interview Questions

In the last few weeks we have had a surge in fire officer interviews. It seems like spring time is “prime time” for departments to be conducting Fire Captain and Fire Lieutenant Interviews. We have received many emails from candidates and are pleased with the results. Over 90% of our customers report that our ebook covers over 90% of the questions that were asked during their interview. Those numbers are a result of our work to collect the highest quality fire officer interview questions being asked around the country. Many of our customers reported that our ebook covered every single question that was asked in their interview. We continue to add new Fire Captain and Fire Lieutenant interview questions to our guide each month. After years of doing this we have created the most comprehensive fire officer interview preparation tool available. Thank you for all the feedback. – Jason

Fire Officer Interview Questions

For 2013 we have updated our Firefighter Entrance Exam Guide. In addition to our Fire Officer Interview Ebook, and Fire Engineer / Driver Operator Interview Ebook, we are proud to offer our updated Firefighter Entrance Exam Ebook. This ebook is an amazing study tool that will give you the information you need in order pass the entrance exam with flying colors.

Our Firefighter Entrance Exam ebook starts by walking you through the application process and preparing you for the written test. We explain in detail each section of the written exam, including:

  • Reading comprehension
  • Verbal reasoning and judgment
  • Mechanical Aptitude
  • Memory Recall
  • Math
  • Reading tables, charts, maps, text and graphs
  • Map orientation
  • floor plans

Our Ebook provides effective study habits, time management strategies, answer strategies for questions you’re unsure of, test day tips, and how to combat test anxiety. Our ebook also provides a sample written exam for you to practice with.

After we cover the written exam we move onto the physical agility test. We walk you through each section of the most common physical agility tests including the CPAT. We provide strategies and techniques to help you pass with flying colors.

We also provide sample oral interview questions for you to study and practice answering. The oral interview is one of the hardest parts of the evaluation process. Many candidates struggle with this area and our guide is a great preparation tool. After the interview section we move on to cover the medical and psychological exams. We explain the best strategies for passing these exams, and how to handle any issues that may arise.

firefighter entrance exam

Last week we received an email from a Fire Engineer / Driver Operator candidate. He wanted to share an interview question with us that was not covered in our ebook. Below is his email.


Thanks for your help downloading the book to my other computer, I am as computer illiterate as they come. I had my interview yesterday and it went very well. The panel asked me a total of 12 questions. 1o of them came almost verbatim from your book. It was a huge help and really prepared me for the interview. I know you guys add questions to your book so maybe these can help someone else.

1. While at a vehicle extrication call you witness a crew-member from the ambulance standing on top of the car trying to kick in the windshield. You feel this is very unsafe due to the instability of the car. How will you handle this situation?

2. As an Engineer you will be required to step up to the role of company officer from time to time. How do you plan to prepare yourself for this responsibility?

Thanks for everything Jason, great product

Thanks for the email Frank. We have already added these questions to our Fire Engineer / Driver Operator ebook which you can view at the link below.

fire engineer interview